Terms of Use

Here at JobEdge.Com.Ng, we simplify job searches by publishing the latest job listings and career information for Nigerians. Our user-friendly platform allows employers to connect effortlessly with suitable candidates. If you plan to use our service, kindly review our terms of service below.

Effective Date: 071/08/2023


“Service” refers to the job alert/information and all other services provided by MyJobMag. “Client” pertains to the individual, firm, or company using our service.


These terms and conditions govern the provision of services by JobEdge to the client.

  • We do not guarantee that you will secure the jobs we send to you. The hiring companies have the final say in the recruitment process.
  • Our Site contains information from third parties (Advertisers/Employers/Job Seekers), and we do not guarantee the authenticity of the information published on our site.
  • We are not liable for any of the jobs/information published on our site or through any third party using any means.
  • We do not guarantee a specific number of alerts/information per month. The availability of jobs determines the frequency of information/alerts.
  • We are not responsible for any undelivered messages due to unavailability of network service by your provider or any other reasons.
  • This service provides information, and we do not guarantee 100% authenticity of vacancies or user information.
  • You have the right to redistribute the service (alerts) we send to you. We reserve the right to terminate this service at any time, with or without notification to the Client.
  • We do not certify the authenticity of users of this service and are not responsible for any fraud that may arise from information obtained through this service.
  • Our service may include external links, but we do not endorse or assume any responsibility for any of the links or information from these links.
  • We do not delete job postings placed on the website after expiry; we only disable the application process.


Our liability policy does not cover any claims based on performance, non-performance, delivery delay, or service failure. Furthermore, we disclaim any liability for any special, indirect, economic, or consequential loss or damage related to the provision, operation, or use of the Service, regardless of whether such loss or damage is the consequence of negligence or another event.

Our liability policy does not cover any claims resulting from job openings posted by employers or material on our website. Concerning the provision, operation, or use of the Service through us or any of our partners, we disclaim all liability for any loss or damage, whether brought on by negligence or otherwise. In any case, the maximum amount of our obligation is the fees directly paid by the Client to us during the year or month in which the default event occurs. Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict each party’s liability for death or physical damage brought on by its own, its employees, or its agents’ demonstrable negligence.

When using the service, the Client is solely responsible for protecting us from liability to third parties. We aren’t usually the ones that handle any loss or damage incurred by the customer due to direct or indirect use of the services we provide or liability.

Please read our Privacy Policy Here.